Monday, May 31, 2010

world cup fever!

11 june 2010.
itulah tarikh bermula nya piala dunia yang diadakan 4 tahun sekali.
seperti biasa team favorite aku adalah SPAIN.

mungkin ade yang mengatakan.
"eleh poyo la ko. mentang-mentang spain menang EURO'08 dan2 je nak sokong spain"

suke hati korang lah nak cakap ape. dah memang aku sokong spain dari zaman enrique lagi. cume agak kecewa dengan perkembangan diorang dalam WC. selalu pun mest sangkut kat group lagi. *sigh*

tapi dengan barisan pemain2 mude yang handal2. aku yakin peluang spain untuk meraih kemenangan amat cerah.

ok. bile dah WC fever mesti wajib ade jersi kan? pada mulanya memang nak beli jersey spain. tapi bile tengok macam biase aje jersey diorang aku da mula ragu2. plus nampak jersey korea selatan yang cool, aku mula goyah.

ini jersey spain (my fav team)

ini pulak jersey korea selatan yang cool

setelah difikir secare masak2. konfirm aku beli korea selatan. hal ini disebabkan aku nampak bangla yang keje kat carrefour mid pun pakai baju spain ni. 2 org lak tue! terus aku keciwa. huhu

beeteedub; cik afiesya. sile bagi diskaun ye kat saye.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"ptg ni 2.30 disc d ism"
UM Dr Ibrahim

dem! sejak aku dapat msg ni baru je tadi, aku resah gelisah.
xtenang rase hidup ni.
data da siap da rase. tapi takut x complete je.

tapi yang paling aku risau kan pasal pemahaman aku ni.
masih cetek. silap. sangat cetek lagi pasal circular statistics ni.
argh! terpakse la struggle bagai nak rak sebelum tibanya pukul 2.30pm

beeteedub; HIMYM kali ni biase2 aje..xde menarik sangat pn.


Friday, May 21, 2010

new beginning!

a new day.
a new beginning!

today is the kick-off of my FYP.
but i think i will start at 12am saturday. hehe

so many data to look.
so many interpretation to make.
so many reports to read.

i guess its the essence in doing FYP.

luckily my FYP is a plus-minus muaz's fyp.
so i got my sifu to teach me.hehe

okeh! got to go.
i got 2880 data to key-in/interpret/compare.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


alhamdulillah pembuka bicara.

1.45 pm : terasa mengantuk. "Sufi dalam pukul 2 kejut aku."
2.15 pm : "wan bangun la. kate nak pegi jumpa pakcik ko." bangun, ambik towel, mandi dan solat zohor.
2.40 pm : bergerak ke Institut Sains Matematik (ISM). hati aku berdebar macam nak pegi jawab final exam buat pertama kalinya.
2.55 pm : sampai di ISM. tengok jam. belum pukul 3. pegi toilet cuci muke.
2.58 pm : knock! knock! "masuk". "haa..ikhwan. perkenalkan ini Dr. Ghapur. *blablablabla* "

situasi sebelum pukul 3 ;
aku ingat aku akan diceramah free oleh Dr. Ibrahim tentang result aku dan akan direject dari membuat Final Year Project.

situasi selepas pukul 3 ;
rupe-rupenye aku memang diterima. tapi still dapat ceramah free. plus a short brief of my FYP. THANK GOD! SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH!! aku dikritik mempunyai "low confidence level". rase memang betul kot. maka aku perlu ubah sikap itu! tak mahu lagi menghampakan ramai pihak!

esok akan jumpa Dr. Ghapur untuk ambik data dan segala penerangan. doakan yang terbaik untuk aku sahabat!

beeteedub ; thanx to muaz i got this FYP. plus ko bakal jadi sifu aku. nak belajar software dari ko! :D


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

tomorrow is the day

what day is tomorrow?
its thursday.
20th may 2010.
(tapi aku tulis ni dah pukul 2.35am khamis)

the that will affect my future.
more or less.

ohh please GOD, i wish that Dr. Ibrahim will have mercy for me.
i really..reaaalllyy hope that he will accept me for the final year project.

its been bothering me since monday.
i have so many problems that i cant think of any of them.
ignorance is a bliss.
is it? i wish it is because i have ignored my problems for a long time. heh~

luckily today i have a reason to smile even its just for a brief moment.
i hope it's a sign that the fate smiled upon me.

wish me luck guys! i really need it!


Sunday, May 16, 2010 we really need it?

obviously the answer for my post title is


but why? to run some organisations smoothly? is it? does it really run smoothly when politics play a part of our life?

i always say to myself
" i would never become a part of politics! ever!"

yeah. its just only be true in dreams. we could never run away from politics. since primary school we're already in politics. here i give u an example.

boy 1 : who do you gonna vote for the class representative?
boy 2: i guess im voting for him. he's the coolest guy in class. plus he's good in sport.
other boys: yeah. we think so too. he's cool and stuff. blablabla..

well it maybe not a good example for a politics in school. haha

as im growing older, there are more politics. but it is obvious when i enrolled in UM.
whenever the election month came, that's what i called politics. conflicts here and there. campaign all over the university and all that stuff.
but it doesn't mean i didn't respect them.
my friend Imran (leman) once said
" at least they have something they believe on. do u??"

well those words really struck my mind for a while. hehe
politics evolve around us even how much we detest and try to avoid it. but why sometimes it ruined a peaceful and harmony community?
i said like that because it happens to my community. what more sad is that its happens between muslims because of the new election for mosque organisation. huh!
people like hate each other because of the different views in politics. come on!
its a mosque. it suppose to unite muslims not break them off. *sigh*

lastly, i guess politics would never gone in this world. whether its a clean or dirty politics.



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