but why? to run some organisations smoothly? is it? does it really run smoothly when politics play a part of our life?
i always say to myself
" i would never become a part of politics! ever!"
yeah. its just only be true in dreams. we could never run away from politics. since primary school we're already in politics. here i give u an example.
boy 1 : who do you gonna vote for the class representative?
boy 2: i guess im voting for him. he's the coolest guy in class. plus he's good in sport.
other boys: yeah. we think so too. he's cool and stuff. blablabla..
well it maybe not a good example for a politics in school. haha
as im growing older, there are more politics. but it is obvious when i enrolled in UM.
whenever the election month came, that's what i called politics. conflicts here and there. campaign all over the university and all that stuff.
but it doesn't mean i didn't respect them.
my friend Imran (leman) once said
" at least they have something they believe on. do u??"
well those words really struck my mind for a while. hehe
politics evolve around us even how much we detest and try to avoid it. but why sometimes it ruined a peaceful and harmony community?
i said like that because it happens to my community. what more sad is that its happens between muslims because of the new election for mosque organisation. huh!
people like hate each other because of the different views in politics. come on!
its a mosque. it suppose to unite muslims not break them off. *sigh*
lastly, i guess politics would never gone in this world. whether its a clean or dirty politics.
Aslk,hai,minat bola ? jom join blog bola versi piala dunia ,ok bye,wslm
okeh bro! tade hal..ak follow korg..hehe btw im the blues fan 2! huhu
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